Tuesday 3 September 2019

New Commandments of Success & Happiness by Kapil Patel

Commandments of Success & Happiness
By Kapil Patel

A1) 10 Rules for success by Sandeep Maheshwari
  • Don't waste time. Do something.
  • Practise makes us perfect.
  • Keep moving forward.
  • Adapt to change quickly
  • Be happy in all situations
  • Honesty is the key to success
  • Attitude is everything
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Believe in yourself
  • Never give up

A2) 6 Tips / Habits for Success by Vivek Bindra
  • Enthusiasm उत्साह
  • Determination निश्चय (discipline is better than regret)
  • Patience धैर्य (to bounce back)
  • Goal statement - Accept the favourable, reject the unfavorable. Focus on goal, do the things required to achieve goal, eliminate/outsource/integrate/support for other tasks
  • Go away from unfavourable people & follow favourable people to achieve goal
  • Make your mentor

A3) Jim Kwik’s 10 rules of success
  • Have a great work ethic
  • Learn rapidly
  • Monitor your self-talk - make it positive
  • Transcend (surpass) the limitations - If you think about your limitations, you will keep those limitations
  • Start with WHY - Reasons reap results. Good reason will lead to achieve your aim/goal
  • Change your state - All behaviour is belief driven. Think you can do 25% - 50% - 100% more better
  • Have grit - courage & resolution
  • Be present - live in present situation. Have situation awareness
  • Schedule your reading time - One book a week / 45 mins a day
  • Tap into your greatness
Bonus point: Take Self care - Reading each day, Having your to do list, not to do list, Not to be sleep deprived

FAST learning ( Meta Learning )
FORGET - Forget temporarily what you know about the subject already, Forget temporarily your situational things & be in present, Forget temporarily your limitations.
ACTIVE - Be active in learning, get involved - Take notes, ask questions, note questions & ask later.
STATE - Your state of mind - state of curiosity, state of fascination, state of joy. Information with emotion becomes long term memory. Remember all learning is state dependent. So be in learning state.
TEACH - Learn with intension of teaching someone else. When I teach something, I get to learn it twice.

A4) 6 morning habits for success by Hal Elrod
  • Silence for few minutes after wakeup
  • Affirmations - Self-talking is the single most powerful tool to arouse “Autosuggestion” in your subconscious mind.
  • Visualization - Affirmations helps to set your long term goals by keeping the victory points in your mind, while, the Visualization helps you to actually visualize the picture, where you’ll see yourself achieving your desired goals
  • Exercise - Exercise of some form not only helps to keep physically good, but also alerts the mind to think and act in the best possible way
  • Reading - Reader become Leader. Reader lives 1000 lives. Reading gives knowledge & wisdom
  • Scribbing - Noting down important points
Do not snooze in morning. Wake up fast & follow these habits.

A5) 10 success tips by Himeesh Madaan
  • Turning weakness into strength
  • Be responsible & make no excuses
  • Fight your fears - Have Self confidence, Self Belief & Do Hard work 
  • Know purpose of life - Set aim & work on it
  • Follow success habits of successful people
  • Hard work & struggle for getting success
  • Preparation - skills, action plan & other kinds of preparation 
  • Commitment - dedication
  • Law of attraction - Think big & Visualize it
  • Learning attitude for personality development

A6) Ask yourself 4 things: ( by Bajaj head )
  • Is my direction correct, Is it logical & ethical, is it shortcut ?
  • If direction is correct, is all of me aligned in my direction, am I distracted ?
  • Every you ask yourself, what can I do better today ?
  • Whenever you get idea, what action you are taking ? Do something better, take action.


Following are the four parameters/aspects on which success & happiness can be measured & achieved:

1) Physical Wealth

2) Relational Wealth
(Family & Friends)

3) Mental Wealth
(Knowledge & Wisdom)

4) Financial Wealth
(Money & Material things)

All the areas are important all the time, just the weightage/priorities needs to be managed at a particular moment by maintaining balance & harmony amongst it. Note that overall, Health has to be given more priority, then relationship & then job/business/money.

Physical Wealth

P1) Remember to take care of your health through proper diet, exercise and rest.

P2) Indulge in moderate body exercise daily for 1-2 hours. Brisk walking is the simplest & very effective exercise. Cycling, swimming, stretching, light weight lifting, neck rotation, shoulder rotation exercises are also very helpful.

P3) Practice good hygiene & cleanliness always. Bath everyday. Wash hair with shampoo once/twice a week. Brush teeth twice a day. Wash your hands and face frequently (e.g. every time you go to washroom).

P4) Get a full body massage once every month in general. It can be increased to daily or weekly frequency based on your stress/pain level.

P5) Your breathing should always be abdominal breathing (breath in - expansion of abdomen & breath out - contraction of abdomen).
Follow below two Pranayams (Yoga breathing exercises) everyday for 15-30 minutes:
a) Alternate Nostril Breathing [Nadi Sodhana] - Inhale deeply through left nostril while keeping the right nostril closed, then exhale slowly through right nostril while keeping left nostril closed. Then inhale deeply through right nostril while keeping left nostril closed, then exhale slowly through left nostril while keeping right nostril closed.
b) Rapid Diaphragmatic breathing [Kapalabhati] - Inhale (through nose keeping mouth closed), then exhale quickly (though nose keeping mouth closed) with force generated from lower abdomen.

P6) "Laughter" is a great stress reliever. It is a free medicine. Keep smiling whenever possible.

P7) Eat healthy & natural food. Eat seasonal fruits & vegetables.

P8) Avoid stored/frozen/canned stuff. Avoid processed food/drinks whenever possible. Also avoid alcohol, tobacco products, drug abuse.

P9) Everyday keep a balanced diet of Cereals (30%), Protein Rich Food (30%), Vegetables (20%), Fruits (20%).
Cereals - E.g. Rice, Wheat, Corn (Maize), Millet (Bajra Jowar, Ragi), Oats
Protein Rich Food - E.g. Meat (fish, chicken), Eggs, Dairy products (Milk, Yogurt/Curd, Cheese), Tofu/Paneer, Beans, Lentils/Pulses (Dals), Sprouts, Nuts and seeds

P10) Limit Oil/Ghee to 30-45 ml / 2-3 spoons a day. Limit Salt to 3-4 gms a day. Limit sugar to 20-30 gms per day.

P11) Include turmeric, ginger, lemon, chillis, garlic, onion, cinnamon, cardamom, oregano, cumin, mustard, clove, black pepper, fenugreek leaves/seeds, coriander/cilantro/parsley leaves/seeds, mint leaves, curry leaves, basil leaves in your food.

P12) Drink sufficient water everyday. (50 ml of water per kg of your weight per day. E.g. for 50 kg person 2500 ml i.e. 2.5 liters or 10 glasses of water). Body has 60% water. It needs enough water to flush out toxins, carry nutrients to the cells, keep it energized & hydrated i.e to avoid dehydration.
Follow below rules for drinking water everyday.
  a) Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water - when you wake up in the morning, before going to sleep in the night, before & after a workout.
  b) Have very little water or avoid drinking water for 2 hours period - 30 mins before to 1.5 hours after the meals. You can have yogurt/buttermilk though during this period. Drink 1 glass of water 30 mins before a meal /after 1.5 hours of the meal.
  c) Drink water when you are tired or hungry (if still feel hungry then you can eat something).
  d) Drink more water when you are ill.

P13) Avoid overeating. Eat less quantity more number of times instead of more quantity less number of times. 4 to 6 times moderate eating is good instead of 2 to 3 times overeating. You can have good breakfast, moderate lunch, light evening snacks & light dinner.

P14) Fast once/twice per month. It improves digestive efficiency, mental clarity, physical health & general feeling of well being. It helps in removal of toxins from the body.

P15) Do not take too much stress. When it becomes difficult to handle, try to offload some stress by delegating work/decisions.

P16) To reduce stress, try to indulge in some "hobby" (playing/painting/gardening/dancing/reading/browsing etc) or "entertainment" (music/dance/games/watching TV etc). But do not overdo this i.e. do it in limit only, unless it is your profession which requires you to spend more time on a particular activity.

P17) Get sufficient sleep. Mind needs rest. Sleep rejuvenates the brain. Try to sleep early & wake up early.

P18) Get sufficient sunlight. It gives us energy and optimizes Vitamin D levels.

P19) "Prayer" is very important & it gives us strength. It increases our physical & mental health. It is an instrument to increase the Belief system, thereby increasing positivity.

P20) For your health goals, set them simple and easily achievable first & gradually increase it so as to have positive conditioning of mind instead of getting negative conditioning associated with healthy habits.

Relational Wealth
      (Family & Friends) 

R1) Be generous with "praise" (& do it publicly) & avoid criticism whenever possible (& do it privately, if required). Keep smiling whenever appropriate.

R2) Recognize negativity in yourself & others. Try to overcome your negativity through "positive thinking". Once a negative thought comes, then just analyze it & respond to it rather than reacting.

R3) Be tolerant about things/events. Do not overreact or suppress your feelings completely. It’s OK to cry sometimes.

R4) Do not compare your negative points with positive points of others. Instead of regretting, try to overcome your hurdles & learn from others.
R5) "Kindness" (Love) always helps. It creates positive environment around you.

R6) Get rid of Jealousy (envy), Hate & Anger. Go to the root cause of it & remove it. "Forgiveness" is a virtue (good quality). It helps to get rid of negativity.

R7) Remove the Fear by analyzing its cause & exploring how it can be mitigated. If not, then keep exploring & have faith in God.

R8) Everybody has some talent. It just needs to be recognized.

R9) Poor person is not born by choice. Never underestimate/overestimate anybody because of amount of money he has. Poor can become rich. Rich may become poor.

R10) Maintain good relations with all. Try to be genuinely interested in others. You may get learnings from anyone (e.g. subordinate or boss, ugly looking or good looking people, rich or poor person). God can come in any form and help you.
R11) Always listen to others and understand the viewpoint. Take the best possible decision which may or may not be the same as majority.

R12) Be "friendly & helpful" to others. Do "kindness" & forget it. Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. God returns it back multifold in ways, one cannot imagine. Help others whenever possible. Selfless serving gives happiness. Express joy in servings.

R13) "Communication" is the key to solve many issues. Try to gather insights into others knowledge & also share your knowledge. Try to bring positive aspects while conversation. Avoid too many arguments. If you are wrong, admit it immediately. Debate is ok but too many arguments can create negative energy. Proper communication helps in judging anybody's knowledge/viewpoints.

R14) If you find someone is wrong, during conversation, convey this indirectly by informing how this would affect the results & also talk about your own mistakes. If not necessary, don't bring out or discuss wrong point mentioned by other person. That person may say 90% wrong logically, but 10% could be right & could be useful to increase your knowledge.

R15) Instead of giving orders to anyone, ask questions & let the other person agree with your viewpoint & help you out.

R16) It is good to be confident. But don’t be proud or arrogant about your Wisdom, Health, Money & Material things, Family & Friends. Be polite and content as much as possible & improve upon these success/happiness parameters. God has given it for the benefit of mankind, so help others.

R17) Think above religion/caste & beyond regions/borders. Note that these are all created by man.

R18) Nobody is born criminal. It is the circumstances, surrounding environment & upbringing that makes a person criminal. If the root cause can be removed, then people would not become criminals in the first place & also the criminal can become a good person & the world would be a peaceful place to live in.

R19) Do not compete with others. Life is not a race. Comparison with others apparently doing well, causes many people to become depressed. Grass is always greener on the other side. We may not know their problems. So rather than focusing on comparison, think of your own improvement in your own way.

R20) Many are very much afraid of their reputation & this fear limits them to live with freedom. Don't fear of what the world would say. World would say in either case even if you live freely or without freedom. Everyone have tremendous potential. It can come out only if they live with freedom.

R21) Be with groups that share your values, interests, life priorities & those that support you in times of crisis. This will keep you motivated & happy.

R22) Spend time with good/positive people. They will bring in positive attitude in you.

R23) Do not put cold water on others enthusiasm/dreams. Let the person be enthusiastic about his/her dreams.

R24) Don't see intentions behind other's mistake. Mistakes do happen. Don't blame the person for it.

R25) Do not be football of other's opinions. Listen to others but have your own opinion/decision.

R26) Accept people & situation as they are. Then act. Think positively avoiding negativity.

R27) People do not like their mistakes to be pointed out. So even if they are wrong, do not argue/discuss about it, unless essential for your job/business. In that case also, politely mention about it in a way that does not hurt their feelings e.g. Say what will happen if we continue with their point of view.

R28) If you find it difficult to make many friends, then set lower target initially & follow above relational wealth points. Gradually increase the target to have many friends.

Mental Wealth
(Knowledge & Wisdom) 

M1) "Attitude" (Thinking pattern/Way to look at things or events) is the most important thing for anyone. Anyone can become successful & happy with proper attitude.

M2) Find "Purpose", define "Goal", "Milestones" & "Direction". You should dream about something that you want to achieve & that could become your goal. The more energy is focused towards it, faster the results will be. Remember this should be for welfare of mankind & not for destruction. The short term goals/milestones can be moderate however the long term goal/vision should be larger & big enough to inspire you as well as others.

M3) To achieve the Goal/Milestone, you must take "initiatives" (actions). There's no such thing as the "right time". Today is the best day to start the action. It is a process and it takes time to produce results. Start doing research in that subject/area & move forward instead of procrastination (postponing). Without initiatives growth and fulfillment of goal/milestone is not possible.

M4) "Faith/Belief" & "Patience" are pillars of success & happiness. Believe in God, the supreme power. The source of energy is God. Remember that God can come in any form to help you. Everything has a gestation period, so do not be too much impatient.

M5) Problems (man-made or natural) are solvable opportunities. Try to look for different possible solutions to the problems & turn that into opportunities.

M6) All problems have "solutions". If a solution is not found then it means the problem is something else or the right time has not yet come. Keep exploring, the problem would get solved.

M7) Talent is just an opportunity away from success. Just be positive, an opportunity is coming your way. God gives plenty of opportunities in life. We just have to observe & recognize it.

M8) Happiness is just a moment away from grief. Never give up Hope. God is with you always. Happiness is within ourselves. Do not look for it in other people's actions or events.

M9) Decisions are must. Never run away from it. Since every option has a risk & reward, when there are multiple options, evaluate the risk-reward ratio while comparing & choosing/deciding a thing.

M10) Life is a "journey" not a destination. But it has many milestones. Enjoy the journey & celebrate the milestones. There will be some pain & thorns along the way but that would be temporary. God just tests you so that you value the milestones.

M11) Change is the only constant. Nothing is steady in universe.

M12) There is no scarcity of resources in universe. God has created abundant resources; we just have to find the right one.

M13) Don't get carried away too much with enjoyment & don't get depressed with failure/sad event. Maintain balance & harmony in life.

M14) Always hope for the best & prepare for the worst. Probability for a disaster is low but it cannot be ruled out.

M15) "Failure" is the path to success. You just have to find out the root cause of failure. Obstacles/failures are nothing but learning to give you more knowledge. When our plan fails, we get disappointed; but remember God has better plans & He wants us to win.

M16) "Knowledge" is power. Always strive to get knowledge from various people & books. Knowledge can come from any object/creature in the universe. Consider book as a summary of experiences of the author. With knowledge, wisdom comes.

M17) Always strive for "improvement". Remember nothing is perfect; Perfection is just a perception.

M18) "Truth" always relieves stress. Just be careful to reveal it to appropriate people at appropriate time. To hide one truth, you may have to lie several times which increases stress. Hence speak truth whenever possible, else avoid speaking.

M19) "Gratitude" (i.e. thankfulness/appreciation) is the greatest virtue (quality). With gratitude for a benefit you have received or will receive, inner sense of happiness is obtained and it also helps you succeed. Be grateful for many things in life. Count your blessings everyday & be thankful to God. Be satisfied with what you have, Live in present & be happy about it. Don’t become unhappy for what you don't have now. Don't link happiness to future event. Enjoy the journey. Don’t get upset over small things.

M20) "Donate". In whatever way, how much ever may be the amount, kindly donate. It gives inner level satisfaction & positive energy/attitude. God returns it back in unexpected ways.

M21) The "Law of attraction" (i.e. Like attracts Like or Positivity attracts Success & Happiness) works effectively most of the times. So keep yourself filled with positivity & desire for the thing you want to achieve.

M22) Have "zooming focus" i.e. ability to focus at different abstraction levels. This helps in understanding different viewpoints. Intelligence & Maturity is not when we start speaking "Big things", but actually it is, when we start understanding "small things" with Big Picture in mind.

M23) Everyone has to make some or the other sacrifice at some point of time. The sacrifice just makes the man more strong. It is a teaching from God so that a person does not consider himself God.

M24) Take responsibilities. We are responsible for our actions & inactions. Responsibility is power and you can enjoy it.

M25) Opposites are complimentary. Without opposite, other one cannot exist. (E.g. Darkness & Brightness, Sad & Happy, Life & Death etc). Respect the opposite.

M26) Live in the present moment. Present is inevitable. Do not carry the burden of past bad events in life and do not worry too much for future.

M27) Learning is a continuous life long process. Never run away from the learning opportunity. Knowledge is an ocean so keep exploring it. Develop different skills.

M28) Feedback from others is very useful for the growth, so keep taking feedback to grow. Also give feedback to others for improving things.

M29) Do not worry too much about any problem/issue. Think of the worst case outcome & accept it. Work on improving the situation then. This positivity will always be helpful & yield good results.

M30) Have curiosity. Be creative & innovative. An open mind helps for this.

M31) Love your job/business. If even after some time, you find you are not interested in the job/business, then keep exploring new job/business & get into it. Have passion for the work.

M32) Don't think that you have to do everything. There are others to help you out for small cost. If you do it yourself, you may need more energy & more time, instead you can do some more productive work in that time.

M33) Don't think that you can do everything by yourself. There will be few things which would need some guidance. So leave some things on god. He will make someone/something available to help you out.

M34) For stress free life, 
  • have sufficient money to be independent
  • have expenses less than income
  • do not compare with higher/lower level people
  • do not have expectations from the world - think it is perfect

M35) There is so much knowledge in the universe that it would not be feasible to understand it all. Know initially what is expected of you & perform it well. You will gradually learn more of it.

M36) For your knowledge/wisdom goals, set them reasonable initially & gradually increase it to higher levels.

Financial Wealth
(Money & Material things)

F1) Do not blame luck for your finances. To become rich, you have to make your own luck. Financial wealth can happen only with intention & effort.

F2) Be "open to ideas & creativity". Inspiration/motivation can come from anyone anytime, just keep your senses active. Believe in miracles but don't expect it to happen all the time.

F3) Planning is important & try to plan as much as possible but remember that everything cannot be planned. In short term to achieve a milestone, there could be time constraint, resource constraint & cost constraint. One has to properly plan accordingly. Few things will happen in unplanned ways. Don't get upset with it. God's planning is ultimate.

F4) Get "Organized". Try to be systematic in the work you do and while solving any issue.

F5) Learn to "prioritize" things. Without this the energy may get spread onto less important things at a particular time.

F6) Be "punctual" & learn time management. Keep "discipline" as much as possible. God has given limited time, so make best use of it.

F7) Believe in the power of "unity". Seemingly impossible tasks can be managed easily with the power of unity.

F8) Be "enthusiastic" & inspire/motivate others also to create a positive environment around you.

F9) "Hard work", "Perseverance" / "Determination" (Never give up attitude) always yields results.

F10) You came empty handed, you will leave empty handed. So don't be afraid too much of not getting or losing money & material things, just enjoy the present moment with whatever you have & be happy.

F11) In a deal, always look for win-win situation which is beneficial to both the parties. One cannot grow one dimensionally without growth of others.

F12) Do not feel guilty about earning, spending and investing more money.

F13) Do not spend too much money on luxury. Be financially prudent & do cost cutting wherever possible & appropriate. Live within your means.

F14) Try to save & invest money. Become disciplined in saving and investing.

F15) Stop amassing/accumulating debt.

F16) Keep exploring money making areas & keep an eye on the rich people's directions. Then take up that area / direction.

F17) Find a need and fulfill it. All kinds of businesses have been built around seeing a need and fulfilling it.

F18) Read books, listen to CDs/audiobooks, attend seminars, research over internet in the field of finance & investment.

F19) Expand the impact of your service. Reach more people and serve them more fully. Internet can be a tool for this.

F20) You can become rich through job, business or combination of the two. Never treat a job/business trivial. Through perseverance, creativity & innovation, any job/business can become great.

F21) Keep your short term financial goals simple & achievable. Gradually increase it to set bigger goals.

Remember not to forget above things any day. Keep reminding yourself about it. Repetition has enormous power.

Forward this to all to make the world a better place to live. 

Keep a copy for yourself for reference, if you want to be successful & happy.